Back From the Dead
Written and Directed by Paul Doherty
Produced by Dead Reel Films in 48 hours for a grindhouse festival
Back From the Dead
Written and Directed by Paul Doherty
Produced by Dead Reel Films in 48 hours for a grindhouse festival
The Grindhouse Planet 48 hour Challenge is complete and here is the video we entered into the competition. A massive thank you to everyone who helped make this come together – from cast, crew and even anyone who put the word out for actors, props etc. Your continued support and collaboration is greatly appreciated! More […]
We did it! Filmed, edited and submitted on time! Filmed on location in the North East of England using local talent. A massive thank you to our three actors who braved the cold in order to produce a quality piece of work in such a short space of time. Without the time and support of […]
When Megan and her friends use a Ouija board to contact her recently-deceased boyfriend, secrets amongst the group cause friction as they learn that the dead never truly forgive November sees Dead Reel Films embark on their first 48 hour filmmaking challenge together, courtesy of the Grindhouse Planet Film Festival. At 6AM on Saturday 16th […]
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